Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! I'M BACK!!! I can't believe the last time I posted was 2013!!! It's time to get back on track and get my head in the game! This year's resolution is to get out of my comfort zone more. Maybe try a new class at my gym or a new food (healthy of course).
Hope everyone has a great year and keep to your goals!!!
Here is to an amazing you in 2017!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Putting my vacation behind me...

Maybe I shouldn't be blaming it all on my one week vacation. I guess you can say that I have been slowly gaining the weight back before I left for my vacation. However, eating on the road certainly hasn't helped either. I gained a total of 8 pounds in one week. That put me at a higher weight than when I started on this journey. I have 2 options in front of me now, 1) beat myself up over it and continue down the path of not caring what I ate or 2) Learn from the experience and make today a new day. I choose to take option #2. I'm not ready to give up on this journey. Most importantly, I'm not ready to give up on myself.
So I am declaring war once again. Let the Belly Battles begin. And this time, I will NOT be defeated!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Scale Battles

We need to learn to focus more on how we feel than the numbers on the scale. It can be very frustrating when the numbers on the scale don't reflect our efforts. But if YOU know you did your best, and continue to do your best, you will start to see those numbers drop again. Don't give up! Keep on going!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Childhood Obesity!!

This season on Biggest Loser, they attacked the subject of childhood obesity. I was once one of those people that looked at obese kids and thought how awful it was that those parents allowed their children to get big at such a young age. After all, my daughter had always been of normal weight and fairly active, until now. My husband had taken her to her yearly well check and came home with news that floored me. The doctor had informed him that our daughter had gained 20 lbs in one year. It was a little hard for me to swallow, I am still trying to get over the initial shock, but I know that I need to make some serious changes here at home.
I feel like the worst parent in the world. How did I let it get this out of control? Twenty pounds in one year for anyone is a significant weight gain let alone for a 10 year old girl. I know that some of you might tell me that I shouldn't beat myself up and that I'm not a bad mom. I want to first thank you for your loving and kind words. Now I am going to give you a little dose of reality. Who is her example? Me. Who bought the food and brought it into the house and made it available? Me. Who sends her to school everyday to eat pizza, corn dogs, burgers, and other junk food items? Me. Who lets her sit in front of the TV and Computer for hours because it's convenient when I have things to get done? Me. Ok so maybe I'm not the WORST parent, but I still can't help but feel responsible for what we're facing.
I know that I can make the necessary changes that need to be made to reverse this. She's too young to go on a diet and lose weight, so what then? Mom needs to make some serious life changes in the home. Mom needs to put her foot down and stand her ground when it comes to the health of her children. Because my biggest challenge will be getting the rest of the family on board with these changes.


Thursday, March 21, 2013


Here are a few of my favorite Zumba memes and pics from classes.


Zumba instructor Alena who came out from SF to teach a Master Class here in Idaho. 

This sign is posted in the studio where I take class.

This is my girl Ashley right here. Best Zumba instructor EVER!!!

Party In Pink!! A cause very dear to my heart since both my Mom and Grandma have both been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and have survived it. 

The Blame Game!!!

How do you let every day life get in the way of your goals? It's simple; blaming others. I am the Queen of excuses. I couldn't go to the gym because I had to take my Mother or Grandmother somewhere. My husband's work schedule only allows me to go to workout at certain times on certain days. Sometimes it had to do with one or more of my four kids. And then there's the usual suspects; "I'm too tired," "as long as I go tomorrow it's OK " "I woke up late". There is always that someone or something that we use as an excuse that keeps us from our goals. 
Well guess what sweet heart? The only person you have to blame for not going to the gym, or skipping out on Zumba, is Y-O-U - YOU! Things happen that often times are beyond our control. I get that. But how you deal with those things is entirely up to you. 
Now go out there and make it happen!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am back!

It's been a while since my last blog. My last laptop crashed and I was without a good running computer for quite some time. But now I have a new computer, thanks to our very very large tax return, and I am ready to continue my battle of the bulge right here with you, my 4 followers :). I really need to expand and get more people to read this. Help Me!
Ok so I had to vent to someone about my morning. That's why I am back here. 990 Calories consumed at breakfast and only 115 calories left in my budget. How did that happen? Lack of self control. I let my hunger win over my will.  Now for the next question? How do I prevent this from happening again? Do I have the tools to keep it from happening again? And if not, how to obtain the tools I need to succeed the next time I'm faced with this challenge? We all know that finding the answers to these questions are easy, but actually applying them is a whole other ball game.
Maybe I won't get in enough exercise to recover from my 990 calorie fast food splurge, but I can at least try. And if anything else, Tomorrow is a brand new day and a chance at a Do-Over!
Thank You for Listening!